Connect To Database WIth Toad

The Email you receive when you place an order contains Host name, port, database name, user and password which you can use to connect SQL Developer/Toad etc with your schema hosted at OracleApexServices.

For SQL Plus use following Syntax: sqlplus user/password@hostname:port/SID

Using SQLDeveloper To Connect To Database:

Download and install TOAD from here

2- If you do not have oracle client configured you will get below error

3- You will need to download and setup Oracle Instant Client from here for your appropriate operating system and configure acordingly

4- Open Toad Afterwards you will get to see below screen

5- Enter Username , Password , Host as received in credentials email . Select option Service Name and enter XEPDB1 and hit Connect

  • oracle, toad, connect
  • 77 Uživatelům pomohlo
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